Hardwood lumber exports from the United States totaled 92 million board feet (MMBF) in Feb 2011, which was 8% above Feb 2010 and 1% below Jan 2011. Combined Jan/Feb 2011 exports of 184 MMBF were 20% ahead of Jan/Feb 2010.
Top 20 destinations registering large year-on-year gains included China (+57%), Japan (+46%), Taiwan (+85%), Saudi Arabia (+110%) and Pakistan (+407%).
U.S. shippers exported 114,085 cubic meters of hardwood logs to Canada in the first two months of 2011, a 22% year-on-year decrease, while log shipments to all other markets increased 33% to 220,042 cubic meters. Canadian buyers imported only 8% more U.S. hardwood logs by volume than Chinese buyers in Jan/Feb 2011; Canadian purchases exceeded Chinese purchases by 124% during the same period in 2010.
An astounding 70% of Red Oak, 38% of White Oak and 47% of Poplar (Tulipwood) log exports from the U.S. went to China in Jan/Feb 2011, up from 55%, 25% and 35%, respectively, in Jan/Feb 2010.
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