Crazy Horse dolly handles panels in the shop

A new type of dolly is being developed to help woodworkers handle panels.

The Crazy Horse is a low-tech anti-gravity device invented for woodworkers. Using a combination of the old technologies in a new way, heavy, awkward sheet goods such as plywood, particleboard, and other engineered panels are easily handled by one person, eliminating the need for human assistance in many situations in the working environment of shops of all sizes and types.

Larry Lee has been a cabinetmaker in the southern Mississippi and Louisiana area for more than 40 years. He invented this dolly, which became an integral part of his daily operations in his shop. Considering retiring, he was encouraged by friends, customers and former employees to develop what came to be known as The Crazy Horse.

For the last few months he has been working through that process and he is getting close to market. Lee has a patent pending and has presented his idea to the public. He is asking shops of all sizes in his area to beta test the dolly for him for two to three weeks, and then give feedback.

“If you like, you can purchase the prototype at a discount for $200 and if not, I will simply pick it up with thanks for the feedback,” Lee said. “I have attached a link to a YouTube video that will demonstrate some of the uses of the device. The video is about 11 minutes long. If, after viewing, you would be interested in testing The Crazy Horse, let me know by one of the methods below and I will deliver one to your shop.”

The Crazy Horse is now being beta tested by cabinet and countertop producers locally. The final edition should be ready for shipment in January 2018. Lee is still working on pricing.

“I have received positive reviews so far, with a major laminate top producer being able to eliminate a man on the top saw in their custom shop operation.”

The YouTube video shows how the wheeled dolly would transfer material without lifting it. It can transfer panels from the floor, or transfer from vertical storage, and can be used as an outrigger or a stationary stand. It has six casters that are rated about 200 pounds and have swivel locks for stability. See the video below.

Contact Larry Lee directly at [email protected].


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About the author
Karl Forth

Karl D. Forth is online editor for CCI Media. He also writes news and feature stories in FDMC Magazine, in addition to newsletters and custom publishing projects. He is also involved in event organization, and compiles the annual FDM 300 list of industry leaders. He can be reached at [email protected].