Congressmen Announce Bipartisan Bill to Curb Illegal Timber Trade

WASHINGTON – On March 13, Congressmen Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Robert Wexler (D-FL) and Jerry Weller, along with the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and a coalition of supporters from conservation, industry and labor groups, announced the introduction of the Legal Timber Protection Act. The act bans the use of illegally-harvested timber and wood products, and it will amend the U.S. Lacey Act, extending its protections to plants to catch trafficking in timber and wood products.

“Illegal logging is a problem that crosses national boundaries to affect communities, companies and ecosystems alike,” said Representative Blumenauer. “This legislation would level the playing field for U.S. industry, not create new obstacles. We see an extraordinary opportunity for common ground here, and we believe this legislation is a solution that benefits everyone. In Oregon, which produces 13% of the nation’s lumber, responsible businesses will now be protected from the costs of the illegal timber trade.”

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