Forest Hill, MD – The Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America (WMMA), the national trade association for those who make machinery, cutting tools and supplies for the woodworking industry, has announced the revision of an ANSI standard that is considered essential to many segments of the industry.
A revised version of the ANSI standard O1.1-1, entitled O1.1-1 (2015) Safety Requirements for Fixed Angle Jump Saws has been published by ANSI. 01.1-1 (2015) supersedes the previous version, O1.1-1 (2007), and should be followed moving forward.
The revised standard is available for purchase on the ANSI website; however, members of WMMA are entitled to receive a complimentary copy upon request. Any WMMA member may receive the official request form by e-mailing WMMA Associate Director Jennifer Miller at [email protected].
In addition, those who are interested in volunteering to help with the development and maintenance of important industry standards are asked to join the Accredited Standards Committee O1 by contacting Jennifer Miller as shown above.
Additional contact information for WMMA headquarters office is as follows:
9 Newport Drive, Suite 200
Forest Hill, MD 21050
443-640-1052 (phone)
443-640-1031 (fax)
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