Water’s Edge Blinds and Window Treatments
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Water’s Edge Blinds and Window Treatments is the winner of “Best New Style Concept” for Designer’s Choice Horizontal Woods Blinds and “Most Innovative Overall Concept” for Textured Wood Cornices as part of the “2013 Window Coverings Manufacturers Association Product Awards”, the window covering’s industry’s annual awards competition.

Water’s Edge Blinds launched Designer’s Choice Horizontal Wood Blinds and Textured Wood Cornices in 2012. Entries submitted into competition went up against the industry’s leading brand name window coverings manufacturers. Judges for the competition included experts from Benjamin Moore & Co, American & International Designs, Inc, and Wallauer’s Design Center. The panel of judges reviewed nominated products based on innovation, style concepts and overall design. Product criteria consisted of new products released to market within the past year or new product launch/revealing at the Vision 13’, the 2013 International Window Coverings Expo. Water’s Edge Blinds will receive honors at an awards reception held in New Orleans, LA, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 5:30pm.

Water’s Edge Blinds will be in displaying the winning products in booth #3146 at KBIS, the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show, April 19-21, 2013, in New Orleans, along with parent company Great Lake Woods, Inc.

Company Overview

Waters Edge Blinds and Window Treatments is a Michigan based manufacturer of hard window treatments featuring a wood motif. Our product lines consist of 1″, 2″ and 2-1/2″ horizontal wood blinds, 2″ faux-wood blinds, handcrafted wood cornices, vertical wood blinds, decorative wood poles and à la carte wood coffer ceiling systems. All products are offered in many eco-friendly finishes. Each product line is designed to complement the other, altogether highlighting the natural beauty of wood. Visit www.watersedgeblinds.com for more information.

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