Registration Now Open!
WDMA Executive Management Conference
October 1-2, 2013 Cambridge, Massachusetts
Come join WDMA for its Annual Executive Management Conference and hear John C. Goodman speak! Goodman is described by Modern Healthcare as one of four people who most influenced the modern health care system. He writes regularly on health policy for such publications as The Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, National Review and Health Affairs, and appears frequently on Fox News and other television news programs. He is also the author of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis.
Can Obamacare Survive?
John C. Goodman, President & CEO, National Center for Policy Analysis.
Widely described as the "Father of Health Savings Accounts," John C. Goodman provides insights and in-depth analysis of health care policies. Goodman's book, Patient Power, revolutionized the health policy field. In this session, he will discuss the future of Obamacare and whether it will be sustainable. He will discuss such topics as to whether the system can survive: (1) a mandate to buy something whose cost will grow at twice the rate of growth of our incomes; (2) a subsidy system that will force a complete restructuring of American industry; (3) a health insurance exchange in which insurers will have perverse incentives to over-provide to the healthy and under-provide to the sick; (4) an exchange in which individuals will have an incentive to wait until they are sick to purchase coverage, get their medical bills paid, and then drop coverage again; (5) a tattered social safety net, with greater demands for subsidized care and less money to meet those demands, and (6) impossible spending cuts for the elderly. Goodman will also discuss reform that can survive, including a workable system of subsides for private insurance and a health insurance marketplace in which insurers are encourage to compete to take care of the sick, as well as the healthy.
We hope that you will join us for this exciting event. For a complete listing of the schedule of events, program highlights, and to take advantage of the early bird registration rate, click here.
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