War at work? Generational differences lead to placing workplace blame
Thomas Allot, Manager of Stiles University
SAN JOSE, Calif. - “For the first time in modern history, the manufacturing industry consists of four different generations spanning over almost 70 years,” says Thomas Allott, manager of of Stiles University, a training center for machine operators. 
“Due to a lack of generational collaboration, our industry is faced with several challenges including lower employee retention rates, increased tribal knowledge, and decreased productivity.”
Adobe's global manager will share her approach to getting the best from talent, while educators address attracting new talent to the industry.

Allott, who will address the 2019 Executive Briefing Conference next month, (EBC) will present "Generational Differences," a dinner address on issues surrounding the workforce. 
"With manufacturing evolving at such a rapid pace, generational collaboration is more critical than ever before," Allott says, who thinks the focus among managers should be on "how can we utilize the strengths of each generation to grow stronger together and begin to close the generational divide."


Labor shortage: How is it impacting firms like yours?

Workforce challenges - shortages of qualified candidates, or unmotivated workers in the shop, are plaguing woodworking businesses.

Each generation of workers were infleunced by contemporary culture, which has "shaped our way of thinking, and how our frame of thought impacts the workplace," Allott says, warning managers to avoid "the temptation to blame other generations for the current challenges within our industry, and the risks that arise when we point our finger at one another." In his address, Allott will describe approaches used by successful corporations to address these transformational challenges.

Allott's presentation is one of the many sessions featured at EBC, which focus on recruitment, development, education, and retention of human resources. The 15th annual EBC, a high-level top management gathering, runs April 14-16 at the San Jose Marriott.



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About the author
Angeleen Kipfer

Angel Kipfer is an editorial intern at the Woodworking Network.