Do you know six words?
Somewhere among the innocuous items that have popped into my view during recent visits to aol, yahoo and such have been mentions of a new type of writing involving six words. The idea is to create a memorable phrase using just six words.

A little Google investigation reveals that a Web site for online storytelling,, apparently was the start of it all. It created “Six-Word Memoirs” which garnered heavy publicity through The New Yorker magazine, although Ernest Hemingway is recognized as Smith’s inspiration and author of the original six-word novel: “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” (Shows you the power of six words, doesn’t it?)

Smith’s online efforts have spawned two books so far. Other spin-offs: AARP magazine has asked readers to share their most memorable meals in six words; a new book by Steve Morgan entitled “Sales Memoirs" encapsulates sales in six words, and wants people’s best six-word Olympic story for its Web site.

There probably is even more out there, but I’ve seen enough to inspire me.  I believe we can reduce woodworking to six words, too, and have some fun in the process. So I issue a challenge to the industry to get creative and submit your six-word thoughts in the comments area below.

Here are some I came up with for starters:

Measure twice, cut once, no worries.

Sharpening tools, a woodworker’s daily grind.

Air compressors: The pressure’s always on.

Clean air starts the perfect finish.

I’ll bet you can do even better than that!


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