Vecoplan Sponsors Car at NASCAR's Feed The Children Event

Vecoplan Sponsors Car at NASCAR's Feed The Children EventHIGH POINT, NC - Vecoplan, the world-wide leader in shredding technologies, was the proud sponsor of car #23 at the NASCAR Nationwide “Feed the Children 300” on June 28 at Kentucky Speedway. The #23 Vecoplan Ford Mustang was fielded by Rick Ware Racing and driven by Harrison Rhodes. The race was sponsored by Feed The Children and through this partnership with Speedway Children’s Charities; Feed The Children will deliver 500,000 pounds of food and supplies to families in racing communities across the country.

According to Len Beusse, COO – Vecoplan LLC, “this race was the perfect opportunity for Vecoplan. We’re located in the south, the birthplace of NASCAR, our subsidiary Vecoplan Midwest is about 30 minutes from Kentucky Speedway, we’re neighbors with the fine folks at Rick Ware Racing, Harrison Rhodes is not only an up and coming driver but also a young Christian man of character and integrity, and our company mission ‘Technology For A Sustainable Tomorrow’, ties in perfectly with ‘Feed The Children 300’, after all the reason we strive for a sustainable tomorrow is for our children.”

The Monday following the race July 1, Harrison Rhodes, Rick Ware and other members of the race team brought the #23 car to Vecoplan’s headquarters in High Point, NC. The car was unloaded into one of Vecoplan’s manufacturing bays and Vecoplan employees were given the opportunity to see the car, meet and interact with Harrison and Rick, have their pictures taken with the car and crew, and get autographs. After a question and answer session, Harrison and the other members of Rick Ware racing toured Vecoplan’s test lab, engineering departments, manufacturing plant, parts and service departments, and offices.

As an engineering major at NC State University, Harrison took special interest in Vecoplan’s two engineering departments, Product Engineering and Engineering Project Management. “I didn’t realize that Vecoplan had such a large engineering staff. The shredders they design for recycling, plus the size and sophistication of the systems they engineer and build for turning waste into a fuel is truly impressive”, stated Harrison. “You need sponsors to be competitive in NASCAR, and it’s great to have a sponsor like Vecoplan that manufactures products you really believe in”, continued Harrison.

Kim James, Marketing Communications Director – Vecoplan LLC, added, “we’re all judged by the company we keep and Vecoplan is happy to be affiliated with Harrison Rhodes and Rick Ware Racing.

Vecoplan is the global leader in technologically advanced machinery and systems for shredding and recycling. We design, engineer, manufacture, install, and provide start-up training on, as well as ongoing parts and service for individual machines and complete systems used to shred plastics, wood, paper, tires, medical waste, and broad range of other materials.

Vecoplan is also a leader in mechanical technologies for processing Biomass, MSW and other wastes into biofuel and bioenergy feedstock. Capabilities include unloading of raw feed-stocks, pre-shredding, ferrous separation, conveying, screening, air classification, re-shredding, non-ferrous separation, optical separation, testing stations, storage, and metered feeding to the boiler, to the pelletizing machinery, to the liquid fuel conversion system, or to other waste conversion technologies.

Source: Vecoplan


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