The Art of Firewood Stacking
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This young lady certainly can be proud of her woodpile, and whoever built them.
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No need to stop at two when you're stacking big woodpiles. You never know how long it might snow, especially if you live near the Arctic Circle...
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Of course, stacking wood is always better with a partner - especially if you're building a pile that endangers local air traffic.
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And there just is no better way to display your national pride than building a wood stack flagpole.
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Of course, you can always stay practical with your wood-stacking skill.
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Or you can go whimsical. I believe these were built by Hobbits.
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And as long as you're going to build an imaginative woodpile for imaginary people, don't forget about their imaginary pets...
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And don't forget the feminine touch to soften up your apparent insanity.
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Speaking of insanity, try building a human maze out of firewood. Or is this a wood circle?
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But if you're artistically inclined, and have a lot of firewood and time on your hands, you can always try "firewood impressionism."
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Another example of "firewood impressionism."
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But I'm sure most of you Go Wooders out there would never go that nuts over firewood. No, you'd probably keep within common sense and just use firewood for its best natural use, as cove storage in your apartment.

If you're nice and cozy by your wood stove, and feeling good about your own energy and stamina in splitting and piling all that wood for the winter, then good for you. But don't get too impressed by your own firewood prowess until you consider these Herculean efforts. My friend Sandy Smith here at Penn State sent me these photos to keep me humble.

Ever heard of the holzhaus(en)? Well, those were woodpiles that mere mortals would build. But real wood users need a real stack of wood, one to be proud of as you'll see from this slideshow.

Man, I just looked out at my woodpile. As Sarah explained so well, I'm experiencing feelings of inadequacy.

Next year I'm going to have to get serious. My chiropractor will welcome the extra business.

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