Highlights from the 2nd Dollars & Sense of Going Green Conference - Part IV
Editor’s note: This is the fourth of a four-part series highlighting some of the key presentation points made at the second Dollars & Sense of Going Green Conference, held Nov. 19-20 in Schaumburg, IL. The program was organized by Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources and Wood & Wood Products, and sponsored by Banks Hardwoods Inc. and the Wood Education and Resource Center.

Online Publication Schedule 

Session I: What Does it Mean to Be Green? Monday, Nov. 23
Session II: Green Products for Green Woodworking, Tuesday, Nov. 24
Session III: Forest and Wood Certification Update, Monday, Nov. 30
Session IV: Green Horizons, Wednesday, Dec. 2
Click here to view Green Conference Tabletop Exhibitors

SESSION IV: Green Horizons
Moderated by Karen Koenig, Editor in Chief, Wood & Wood Products
U.S. Congress and Hardwoods
Presented by Deb Hawkinson, Executive Director, Hardwood Federation
* U.S. House of Representatives recently adopted Resolution 81, recognizing the importance and sustainability of the U.S. hardwoods industry.

View video from passage of the resolution.

* Lacey Act, amended by the Combat Illegal Logging Act of 2008, creates up to $500,000 fines and 5 years in prison for persons found guilty of violating it.

* Wood products companies should seek documentation on the origin of every log or wood product they purchase from foreign sources.

* Enforcement of the origin of composite panel products has been delayed indefinitely.

Combustible Dust…An Explosive Issue
Presented by Jamison Scott, corporate officer, Air Handling Systems Inc.

* OSHA currently references National Fire Protection Agency voluntary guidelines on preventing combustible dust explosions. OSHA has begun accepting public comments for a potential new rule on combustible dust standards, including wood dust.

* OSHA’s rule would likely cover: hazard assessment, engineering controls, housekeeping, building design, explosion protection, operating procedures and worker training.

* Air Handling Web site includes a list of resources: www.airhand.com/combustibledust.asp 

View videos shown by Scott:
1) YouTube video demonstrating a sawdust explosion

2) Chemical Safety Board video, including 3-D reenactment of fatal combustible dust explosion at Imperial Sugar Co.

Material Handling Considerations for Biomass
Presented by Mike Schuster, Vice President, Laidig Systems Inc.

* “It is important to determine the optimum particle size required by your process or combustion unit. This requirement needs to be consistent with the limitations of your material handling system.”

* To achieve optimal material sizes screen materials before entering a hopper to remove oversize particles. Hog particles too big and use a magnet to remove metals.

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle for Woodworkers:  Biomass boilers and other energy saving ideas
Presented by Ben Dipzinski of BioWood Renewables
* The three Rs of biomass boilers: reduce electrical consumption; reuse your wood waste (Fuel); and recycle your waste (Fuel) into a valuable product.

* Ninety to 95% of wood products plants in Western Europe have wood boilers, only 5% to 10% of plants in the United States have them.

* If your annual heating bills are $30,000 or more, then you should consider investing in a wood boiler system.

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